Thursday 9 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

With the new year ahead of us, many people like to make resolutions especially after the holiday season of festive eating and possibly less exercise. The days are shorter in the winter and up here in Toronto, the weather gets much colder so it is easy to fall off the wagon. I had been looking forward to the end of year as I use it as an excuse to take a break from training. I had told myself that I would amp up my training and re-evaualte my year after the holidays. It got me thinking, what were my resolutions going to be. Firstly, I had to find out what resolutions really were.

This is the definition I found when trying to see what a New Year's Resolution was. As per Wikipedia- 

"A New Year's resolution is a secular tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day.[1]"

I had never really been a person to set resolutions as I find I never really stick to them.  But after reading the definition, I realize that I have always been setting resolutions.  I always want to improve myself physically as a runner, be a positive role model to my children, be a loving and supportive wife to my husband and kids, and an all round positive person at work and in my social life. 

So with this in hand, I look forward to 2014. I am entering my 5th year of training as a runner and going into my 2nd year of marathon training. I am sure the year will have it's ups and downs but I am looking forward to the challenge. I was fortunate to be on maternity leave my first year of marathon training. I was home every night and was able to run at my convince. Now that I have returned back to work, I am still learning to juggle family life, jet lag and marathon training. I am going to aim for more personal bests and run every race with all I've got .

Cheers and here's to 2014

Do you make resolutions?

What are your resolutions for 2014?

Sunday 5 January 2014

Tips for Travelling with Kids

Happy New Year to all ! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday.  We just returned from our 2 week Christmas holiday in Hong Kong to a frigid -30 degree Toronto. We had a fun time, but I thought I would write about travelling/flying with children. I usually check out MD Travel Website to find out what I should be aware of before travelling to any destination. It provides up to date information on what is happening around the world and what kind of vaccinations are recommended. It is a wealth of information to all travellers.

As a travel professional, I see a lot of people that travel with the young ones and have learned a lot from them and also from my own personal experience. I would always advise on buying travel insurance especially if you have children. You hope that you will never had to use it, but it is always good to have as I learned on this last trip. My entire family got sick and I had to take my little guy to see the doctor. We were fortunate to be able to find a great doctor that was able to diagnose my son and get him onto the road to recovery.

Sick, Crank baby, then all better
In a perfect world, our flights would be during the children's nap/sleep times and they will behave themselves like angels. I have been that mother with the baby that cried for hours on end on a 15 hour flight. Sometimes, things just don't go as planned. I see countless stressed out and frantic parents on planes trying to calm their babies down, but sometimes the child just wants to scream. I completely understand how frustrating and exhausting it can be. You can try to stand up in what space is available when the flight attendants are finished with their service related duties.  I always try to reassure the parents that it is not as bad as they think. Most passengers will get over it as many are parents and have been in the same situation and are usually somewhat sympathetic.

Just be prepared with entertainment for your children whether it be an electronic gadget filled with movies and games, stickers, colouring books, small toys and whatever you think your child will like. I usually buy some new activity books/surprises for my older child so that it is something new to keep her busy on the flights. If you have smaller headphones for your little ones, they are always better as most airlines now sell earbud type headphones which usually don't stay in little ones ears.

I also recommend bringing plenty of snacks and food that your children like as they may not like what the airline is serving. There are no microwaves on planes, so keep that in mind when packing food.

Here is a standard list of things that I usually pack on trips, it may not be suitable for everyone, but a good reference.


- Tylenol/Tempra/Advil/Motrin/Panadol
- Saline nose drops
- Gravol (anti-vomiting)
- Pediatlyte/Gastrolyte (to supplement electrolyte if vomiting)
- Kaopectate/Pepto-Bismol (anti-diarrhea, mild effect)
- Glycerine Suppositories (for temporary relief of consitpation)
  Prunes also work
- Moisturizer
- Canestan cream (anti-yeast)
- Diaper rash Cream, Vaseline also helps
- Polysporin (antibiotic ointment)
- Benadryl Children Liquid (anti-allergy)
- Others: If you already use items, bring it along : puffer, Epipen, skin medication, or other medications prescribed)

First Aid

* Thermometer
* Measuring spoon
* Bandages
* Sterile Gauze/clean washcloth
* Sealed wet wipes
* Antiseptics (antibacterial soap, hydrogen peroxide), one step cleanser
* Scissors, tweezers
* Sunscreen
* Insect Repellent
* Flash light
* Batteries
* Non perishable snacks-crackers, candy
* Ziploc Bags
* Elastic Bands


- Travel Insurance documents
- Separate photocopies of passports, birth certificates, credit cards, insurance cards
- Extra change of clothes for you and the kids (have you seen projectile vomit ???)
- Diapers

Do you travel with your children?

Where was your favourite destination that you have been with your family?

Any other tips for travelling and packing?

Antelope Canyon 50 Miler Recap Part 2

We were lucky that the race start was only a 15 minute drive from our hotel, so we were able to sleep until the very last minute.  Race star...